Home Maintenance

10 Simple Ways to Keep Your Home Cool This Summer

4 JUN 2021

Summer is here and it’s time to find the best ways to keep your house cool and comfortable. While most people tend to rely on air-conditioning systems to keep the surroundings cool during the hot season, it is apparently an expensive affair. The more you depend on air conditioners, the more money you will be paying for electricity. Moreover increased use of A/C will also increase carbon footprints and energy wastage.

Fortunately, there are many simple hacks which can help you cool down your homes without burning a hole in your pocket. These cool ideas will not only help you save your money but also help to save the environment too.

Here are 10 best ways to keep your home cool this summer.

  • Keep the blinds closed
  • Let the night air in
  • Choose light colors
  • Turn on the exhaust fans
  • Replace incandescent bulbs
  • Use a dehumidifier
  • Unplug electronics
  • Reduce cooking inside
  • Portable cold air fans
  • Bring in more plants

Let us discuss in detail how to keep your home cool during summer.

Keep the blinds closed

The rooms will absorb heat during the day time when the sunlight comes in through the windows. This heat will remain in the room even during the night, so it is advisable to keep the window blinds closed during day time. Draw the curtains and lower the blinds to insulate the room from direct sunlight. You can use blackout curtains and protective films for your windows if you wish to further reduce the hot air effect.

Let the night air in

Even during summers, the temperature will dip during the night time giving a relief from the scorching heat. You can make the most of this by keeping the windows open during the night to let the night breeze in. By opening the windows at opposite sides of the room you can allow cross-ventilation. The best time to open the windows during summer is from 5:00 am – 8:00 am and from 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm.

Choose light colours

If you are planning to get the walls painted with a fresh coat of paint during summer, go for light colours like beige, light blue, light yellow or white. Light colours will reflect heat and light, unlike dark shades which absorbs it. You can even choose a light shade for your home roof so that much of the sunlight leaves the roof without getting absorbed.

Turn on the exhaust fans

This may sound trivial but exhaust fans are very useful to push hot air out from areas like the kitchen and bathrooms. After a shower, you may find that the warm air remains trapped inside the bathroom, so remember to keep the exhaust fan switched on for a few minutes once you step out. You also notice hot air from the stove or oven lingering in the kitchen, so make the most of exhaust fans to push this hot air outside.

Replace incandescent bulbs

If you have ever thought of replacing the incandescent bulbs in your home, summer is the best season to do so. Halogen bulbs and incandescent light bulbs emit a lot of heat and consume more power. So choose energy-efficient alternatives like LED bulbs or CFL (Compact fluorescent lamps). Make use of daylight whenever possible and switch off the lights when you do not really need them.

This small change can bring a difference in keeping your home cool and also reduce the electricity charges.

Use a dehumidifier

Many of you might not be aware of the function of a dehumidifier. A dehumidifier draws out excess moisture from the surrounding air giving a feeling of coolness to the atmosphere. In areas with high humidity levels, you can use dehumidifiers to reduce the room temperature and make a comfortable environment. Another great benefit of using a dehumidifier is that it will help to rid of allergens like dust, fungus, grime, mildew, etc which cause diseases. Dehumidifiers are available in shops or you can buy them online.

Unplug electronics

All electronic devices produce heat when they are plugged into the sockets. We often forget to remove the chargers from the socket after pulling out our phones and laptops from them. They drain a lot of power even when the switch is off. So, whenever you are not using devices such as laptop chargers, mobile chargers, modem, TV, grinder etc unplug the wire from the sockets to reduce the generation of heat.

Reduce cooking inside

It could sound a bit weird, but yes it is ideal not to use the stove or oven during the hot summer days. If it does not seem to be practical, then try to cook during the night or early morning when the air is comparatively cooler. Reduce the use of the oven, instead, you can try grilling or use a microwave oven. Another great alternative is that you can eat healthy salads which do not require any cooking. Eating salads consisting of juicy fruits and vegetables will not only save you from the task of cooking but is also a healthy diet option for summer months.

Portable cold air fans

This is one of the easiest ways to reduce the heat in your living space. Table fans or small portable fans give a better cooling effect when compared to large ceiling fans. Also, these small size fans use less energy than air conditioners and large fans. As these are compact and portable you can carry them to any room you wish. For a better cooling effect, you can place some ice cubes in a bowl in front of a table fan and enjoy the cool breeze.

Bring in more plants

Nothing like fresh plants in and around your home to create a refreshing ambiance. Be it indoor plants, creepers or trees, try to add more greenery to your living space this summer to maintain a cool environment. They function as air purifiers and also provide the much-needed shade and freshness to your house. You can consider planting more trees and creepers facing the east and west to escape the harsh rays of the sun. Placing potted plants in your apartment balcony or living rooms is also a way of making your house look more attractive.

We hope that you found these tips to beat the heat and keep your home cooler this season helpful. These are ideal for those who do not have air-conditioners installed and for those who like to save energy costs.

If you liked these tips, do not forget to share it with your friends!

Stay cool & enjoy the summer!

Author - Confident Group

As the most trusted real estate brand in the nation, we at Confident Group strive to create a positive, smooth and transparent medium for potential home buyers with anything and everything related to home purchase. We provide informative and engaging articles which cover useful details across many verticals from the real estate sector. Our 2-decade long expertise in building infrastructure projects across Kerala and abroad backed by the trust of over 10,000 customers earned us the reputation of being the best as a real estate brand in Asia. We hope that our blogs will help in translating our experience for the prospective buyers who are looking for their dream home.


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