Home Buying

The Things Most Overlooked When Buying a House

5 FEB 2021

Buying your dream home is a challenging task. There are many different aspects that have to be taken care of in order to finally land your dream home. You may have gone through many checklists that help you with what to look for when inspecting a house, but often those lists comprise of only the very important aspects like room sizes, location, etc. There are many other factors that do not make the cut as the most important ones, but taking them into consideration will help you choose a home that is perfect for you and your family. Here is a list of factors to consider, which are often overlooked while creating a buying a house checklist.

Mobile network and connectivity

It is surprising that this factor does not make it to many checklists considering how important mobiles have become in our day to day existence. Imagine living in a house that has poor or no network. It is not only very inconvenient, but it is also unsafe as staying connected at all times is extremely essential today. Make sure to visit different rooms in the house that you have shortlisted to ensure that there is good network reception throughout the house.

Child safety

We always make sure to choose a neighborhood that is safe, but how often do we look into the safety of a child in the house? It is important to notice factors like the type of nosing of the stairs, the presence of sharp edges, the types of locks used, etc. These factors determine the safety of a child, prevent serious injury during a fall and help you curtail any mishaps. Opting for handles instead of knobs, secure railings for balconies, rounded nosing for landing, etc are some of the options that you must choose to ensure safe indoors.

Other amenities

While we are all looking into amenities like swimming pools, play areas, etc, we seldom overlook other amenities like convenient garbage disposal, rainwater harvesting, etc. These amenities are essential and the absence of which can be really inconvenient to function effectively on a day to day basis.

Closet space

One of the factors that we consider important are the room sizes. But many often, we don’t check the closet space available or look into the proper placement of a closet area. Having a private, spacious and well-facilitated closet is important, and many times this factor is overlooked while shortlisting homes. The layout of the wardrobe, spacing, and planning also play a key role in the organization of your home.

Fire safety

Another factor that rarely appears in viewing a house checklist is fire safety. While most reputed and reliable builders take care of this, it is still very crucial for an individual to check how safe the house is in case of fire. Checking the distance to the fire exit, availability of fire fighting equipment, etc. should be checked before shortlisting a home.

Pests and other Menaces

While you look for your dream home, don’t forget to check for pests, insects, etc. Many localities may have severe problems of water stagnation, open drains, litter, etc which leads to an increased number of mosquitoes and other insects. One can notice that especially in older homes, problems of cockroaches, silverfish, bed bugs, etc can be severe. Homes that are built near water bodies, in new layouts, etc can have problems related to rodents, snakes, lizards, etc. It is best to survey the location at different times of the day and enquire with existing residents about these problems before choosing a home.

We hope to have covered some off-beat issues that may have slipped your mind while listing down factors to consider while looking for your dream home. It is important to study a property from all possible angles before zeroing in on the final one to ensure the safety and well being of your family.

Author - Confident Group

As the most trusted real estate brand in the nation, we at Confident Group strive to create a positive, smooth and transparent medium for potential home buyers with anything and everything related to home purchase. We provide informative and engaging articles which cover useful details across many verticals from the real estate sector. Our 2-decade long expertise in building infrastructure projects across Kerala and abroad backed by the trust of over 10,000 customers earned us the reputation of being the best as a real estate brand in Asia. We hope that our blogs will help in translating our experience for the prospective buyers who are looking for their dream home.


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